What are the biggest health funds in Australia?

In the vast and competitive realm of private health insurance, choosing the best health coverage can be a daunting task. With over 40 insurers in the market, it’s surprising that only a handful are widely recognised. Dominating the landscape are major players such as Medibank Private, ahm, Bupa, HCF (including RT Health), NIB Health, and HBF Health. Understanding the nuances of each provider is crucial for making an informed decision about your private health insurance. In this detailed exploration, we’ll delve into the pros and cons of some of the leading private health insurance plans, shedding light on key aspects like complaints ratings, out-of-pocket costs, and unique offerings.

Medibank Private: Balancing Act

Medibank Private, boasting a 27.4% market share, is a significant player in the Australian private health insurance scene. Let’s weigh the pros and cons of choosing Medibank as your health coverage provider.


  1. Complaints Rating: Medium, indicating a reasonable level of customer satisfaction.
  2. Out-of-pocket Rating: Average in various regions, ensuring a fair balance between coverage and costs.
  3. Special Benefits: No excess for children on hospital and combined policies, providing financial relief for families.
  4. Student-Friendly: Free cover for full-time students under 31 on family policies, catering to the younger demographic.
  5. Extended Family Policies: Families with adult children under 31 can benefit from extended coverage.
  6. Discounts: Attractive discounts for individuals joining under the age of 30.


  1. Discount Limitations: Lack of direct debit or prepayment discounts may be a drawback for some customers.
  2. Regional Variations: Out-of-pocket ratings vary, with below-average scores in South Australia, Queensland, and well below average in Western Australia.

Bupa: A Comprehensive Coverage Choice

With a substantial 24.7% market share, Bupa is another major player in the Australian health insurance market. Let’s explore the pros and cons of choosing Bupa for your health coverage.


  1. Complaints Rating: Medium, indicating a reasonable level of customer satisfaction.
  2. Out-of-pocket Rating: Varied, with above-average scores in some regions and average scores in others.
  3. Excess Waiver: No excess for children on most hospital and combined policies, making it family-friendly.
  4. Student Benefits: Free cover for full-time students under 32 on family policies, catering to the educational demographic.
  5. Extended Family Coverage: Families with adult children under 32 can benefit from extended coverage.
  6. Discounts: Attractive discounts for individuals joining under the age of 30.


  • Discount Limitations: Similar to Medibank, Bupa lacks direct debit or prepayment discounts.

HCF: The Nonprofit Choice

As a nonprofit health fund, HCF holds a 12.4% market share. Let’s examine the pros and cons of choosing HCF for your health insurance needs.


  1. Nonprofit Status: HCF operates as a nonprofit, potentially aligning with customers seeking socially responsible options.
  2. Complaints Rating: Medium, reflecting a reasonable level of customer satisfaction.
  3. Out-of-pocket Rating: Average in most regions, ensuring a balanced approach to coverage and costs.
  4. Excess Waiver: No excess for children on most hospital and combined policies, providing family-friendly benefits.
  5. Student Benefits: Free cover for full-time students under 31 on family policies, catering to the educational demographic.
  6. Extended Family Coverage: Families with adult children under 31 can benefit from extended coverage.
  7. Premium Lock-In Option: The ability to prepay and lock in premiums for 18 months, offering stability in costs.


  1. Discount Limitations: Similar to the previous insurers, HCF lacks direct debit or prepayment discounts.
  2. Age-Related Discounts: No discounts for individuals joining under the age of 30.

NIB: Balanced Coverage with Discounts

NIB Health, capturing a 9.4% market share, is known for its balanced coverage options. Let’s delve into the pros and cons of choosing NIB for your health coverage.


  1. Out-of-pocket Rating: Average in various regions, ensuring a fair balance between coverage and costs.
  2. Excess Waiver: No excess for children on hospital and combined policies, providing family-friendly benefits.
  3. Student Benefits: Free cover for full-time students under 31 on family policies, catering to the educational demographic.
  4. Extended Family Coverage: Families with adult children under 31 can benefit from extended coverage.
  5. Discounts: Attractive discounts for individuals joining under the age of 30.
  6. Direct Debit Discounts: Additional discounts for customers opting for direct debit payments.


  • Regional Variations: Out-of-pocket ratings vary, with below-average scores in some regions.
  • Discount Limitations: Similar to other insurers, NIB lacks prepayment discounts.

HBF Health: Nonprofit Stability

HBF Health, with a 7.3% market share, stands out as a nonprofit health fund. Let’s assess the pros and cons of choosing HBF for your health insurance needs.


  1. Nonprofit Status: As a nonprofit, HBF may appeal to customers seeking socially responsible options.
  2. Complaints Rating: Medium, indicating a reasonable level of customer satisfaction.
  3. Out-of-pocket Rating: Varied, with above-average scores in Western Australia and average scores elsewhere.
  4. Excess Waiver: No excess for children on hospital and combined policies, providing family-friendly benefits.
  5. Student Benefits: Adult children under 25 are covered on family policies for free if they’re full-time students or earning up to $24,500 per year.
  6. Discounts: Direct debit and prepayment discounts available.
  7. Premium Lock-In Option: The ability to prepay and lock in premiums for 18 months, offering stability in costs.


  1. Discount Limitations: HBF does not offer discounts for individuals joining under the age of 30.
  2. Extended Family Coverage: Unlike some competitors, HBF does not provide extended family policies.

Best Funds for Low Out-of-Pocket Costs

For those prioritising low out-of-pocket costs, two standout options are Bupa and HBF. These insurers offer at least average gap protection in all states and above-average protection in one or more states. The gap rating, reflecting the likelihood of incurring out-of-pocket costs, plays a crucial role in assessing the overall value of health insurance plans.

Gap (Out-of-Pocket Costs) Ratings:

  • Bupa:
    • Above average in Queensland, South Australia, and Victoria.
    • Average everywhere else.
  • HBF:
    • Above average in Western Australia.
    • Average everywhere else.
  • HCF:
    • Average in the ACT, NSW, Queensland, the Northern Territory, Victoria, and Tasmania.
    • Below average in South Australia and Western Australia.
  • Medibank:
    • Average in NSW, Victoria, the Northern Territory, Tasmania, and the ACT.
    • Below average in South Australia and Queensland.
    • Well below average in Western Australia.
  • NIB:
    • Average in NSW, South Australia, Tasmania, and Western Australia.
    • Below average in the ACT, the Northern Territory, Queensland, and Victoria.

These gap ratings are essential indicators, representing the percentage of procedures in hospitals where members of the fund paid out-of-pocket costs (the gap payment). Choosing a plan with a lower gap rating can significantly reduce the likelihood of unexpected expenses.

Navigating the landscape of private health insurance in Australia requires a careful consideration of various factors. The choice between Medibank, Bupa, HCF, NIB, and HBF depends on individual preferences, budget constraints, and specific coverage needs. 

Understanding what’s on offer for each provider will empower you to make an informed decision about your private health coverage. Our team is here to assist you with your enquiry about private health cover.  Feel free to call us at 1300 861 413 or email us at hello@health.compare

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We are a couple without kids, should we have separate policies?

When it comes to navigating the world of private health insurance plans, couples often find themselves at a crossroads, wondering whether they should opt for a joint policy or maintain separate ones. The decision isn’t always straightforward, but it can have a significant impact on your finances and private healthcare coverage. So, the question is – should you and your partner have separate health insurance policies, especially if you don’t have children together? Let’s explore the options and weigh up the pros and cons.

Separate Private Health Insurance Policies for Couples

For many couples without children, taking out two separate private health insurance policies can be a smart move. Here’s why:

More Control Over Your Coverage:

With individual policies, you have the freedom to tailor your coverage to your specific health needs. You can select a policy with extras like dental, optical, or physiotherapy, without the need to consider your partner’s requirements. If your partner has specific health concerns that require specific coverage, having separate policies ensures you’re not paying for something you don’t need.


If your health needs change over time, adjusting an individual policy is a breeze. You won’t have to coordinate with your partner when it comes to switching or modifying health insurance plans.

Access to Personalised Benefits:

Many insurers offer discounts and rebates designed exclusively for individual policyholders. These perks can help you save on your private health insurance costs.

No Need for Compromise:

Choosing a private health insurance policy can be a complex process, and individuals often have varying needs and preferences. With separate policies, you won’t have to navigate middle-ground solutions with your partner regarding which policy to select or which extras to include.

For couples without children, individual private health insurance policies can offer a tailored and cost-effective approach to private health coverage.

Combined Private Health Insurance Policies for Couples

While separate policies have their advantages, there are also compelling reasons to consider a combined private health insurance plan as a couple:

Peace of Mind:

A shared policy provides the comfort of knowing that both you and your partner are covered under the same plan. This can alleviate concerns about gaps in coverage or unanticipated health expenses.

Payment Convenience:

Managing a single premium payment for a joint policy can simplify the financial aspect of health insurance. It’s one less bill to worry about, and it may be more cost-effective in the long run.

Simplified Record-Keeping:

Maintaining one policy rather than two can streamline record-keeping and paperwork, saving you time and reducing administrative hassles.

Additions for Growing Families:

Other couples’ policies allow you to add a child to the policy, transforming it into a family plan without the need to serve new waiting periods.

However, it’s essential to consider the potential downsides of a joint policy:

Different Health Needs:

Individuals have unique health requirements, and sharing a policy might not always provide the ideal coverage for both parties.

Loss of Privacy:

When you share private health insurance, both parties’ health information is accessible to the other. This may not be a comfortable situation for those who prefer to keep their medical history and health matters private.

Lifetime Health Cover Loading:

If one partner has a higher Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) loading, it may result in a higher premium for the couple’s policy. The LHC loading is a government initiative aimed at encouraging early adoption of private health insurance. If one partner has a high LHC loading, it might be more cost-effective for the other to maintain an individual policy until the loading is removed.

The decision to opt for separate or combined private health insurance plans for couples without children ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences, and circumstances. It’s a choice that warrants careful consideration. 

If you’re still uncertain and would like to compare the best health coverage options, our team is here to assist you. 

Feel free to call us at 1300 861 413 or email us at hello@health.compare 

We’re committed to helping you find the perfect private health insurance policy tailored to your unique requirements. Your health and financial well-being are our top priorities, and we’re here to guide you on your journey to the best private health coverage.

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How much does private health insurance cost?

There are many options these days when it comes to private health cover, it can be daunting working out what is the best private health policy for you and your stage of life and what contribution amount fits within your budget.  

The price of private health insurance isn’t set in stone – it’s like a puzzle with different pieces that affect the cost. Things like how much coverage you want, the specific plan you go for, how old you are, and how healthy you’re feeling all play a role. When it comes to the money side, private health insurance costs can range from just a few hundred dollars to top gold cover which can cost thousands per year.. 

So, if you’re thinking about taking out private health insurance, it’s smart to do your homework. Take your time to compare different policies, see what they cover, and understand the costs you might have to handle. That way, you’ll be better prepared to pick a plan that fits your needs and budget. In this month’s blog we will assist by giving you tips to help you navigate and compare private health insurance policies that best suit your budget. 

Important Factors:

  • Private health insurance costs in Australia are influenced by various factors including the level of coverage, age, and the individual’s income.
  • Private health insurance is not mandatory but offers coverage for services not included in the public health insurance system, Medicare.
  • Annual private health insurance premiums can vary widely and may involve additional costs like excess payments and gap expenses.
  • It’s worth noting that the Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) loading is a penalty applied to those who do not secure private health insurance before turning 31.
  • To lower your private health insurance expenses, you can compare policies from different providers and consider choosing higher excess amounts.

We’re a family of 4, how do we get the best coverage that’s within our budget?

Your priorities often revolve around ensuring the well-being of your loved ones. One essential aspect of this is having adequate private health insurance coverage. However, balancing comprehensive coverage with a budget can be challenging.

Assess your family’s needs: Consider your family’s current health status, any ongoing medical conditions, and the likelihood of future healthcare requirements.

Compare plans: There are various private health insurance plans available, each offering different levels of coverage and price points. Taking the time to compare plans from different providers is always the best option.

What influences the cost of private health insurance?

Policies are influenced by various factors, and it’s crucial to understand how these elements can impact your premiums and coverage. Let’s break it down:

1. Income – The government helps with the cost of health insurance by providing a rebate, there are three rebate tiers which are dependent on your income. The less you earn, the higher your government rebate which helps make health insurance more affordable.

2. Health status matters – Your health status also carries some weight. If you’ve got pre-existing medical conditions or chronic illnesses, you might see higher premiums or certain exclusions on your policy. 

4. Location – Healthcare costs can vary quite a bit from one state to another, and that’s something insurance providers take into account. 

5. Type of plan -Now onto the plans themselves. Comprehensive policies tend to cost more than the basic ones that cover only the essentials. You can opt to choose just hospital cover without an extras policy, it’s up to you.

I’m close to retiring, how can I save money on private health?

As you map out your retirement, it’s a smart move to consider how the aging process might impact your health down the track. One thing worth keeping in mind is the cost of healthcare in general, and it’s wise to include it in your budget planning. Here’s a few tips that may assist with your decision making:

  • The Price Tag: Consider the cost of private health insurance itself. Make sure it aligns with your budget and your health needs for the retirement stage of life.
  • Future Health Expenses: Think about the potential costs of treatments or medical care you might need in the future for any pre-existing conditions.
  • Your Health Today: Assess your current health condition. It can help determine how much coverage you might require.
  • Your Desired Level of Care: Think about the kind of care you want. Private health insurance can offer different levels of coverage, so make sure it matches your expectations.

These considerations should help you weigh the pros and cons to make an informed decision about the cost of healthcare in your retirement years.

Ultimately it’s like piecing together a puzzle – your age, gender, health, location, the type of plan you choose, stage of life and most importantly, the fine print in your policy – these factors all play a part in determining how much you pay for your private health coverage.

Our Team are ready to take your call

To compare private health insurance funds and discuss what the best policy is for your budget and stage of life. Our friendly team is standing by to talk you through the options. Call us on  1300 861 413 or email us hello@health.compare

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What level of cover do I need for cataract surgery?

What Are Cataracts?

Imagine your eye’s lens becoming cloudy, making everything you see appear blurred or dim. Cataracts are exactly that – a clouding of the eye’s lens. This cloudiness can create problems like difficulty reading, driving at night, or recognising your friend’s smile. Initially, cataracts might develop slowly and not cause significant vision problems, but over time, they can seriously affect your eyesight.

Recognising Cataracts:

  • Clouded or blurred vision
  • Trouble seeing at night
  • Sensitivity to light and glare
  • Needing brighter light for activities
  • Seeing “halos” around lights
  • Frequent changes in eyeglasses or contact lenses
  • Fading or yellowing of colors
  • Double vision in one eye

About Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a highly effective procedure designed to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with an artificial intraocular lens, restoring clear vision. The surgery, typically lasting around 30 minutes, is performed on an outpatient basis, and patients can choose to have both eyes operated on one day or separately. Modern techniques, like phacoemulsification, use ultrasound to break up the cataract for easier removal, ensuring a quick recovery and improved quality of vision.

Private Health Cover and Cataract Surgery

While Medicare covers cataract surgery, public hospital waiting lists can be long – sometimes up to a year. If you have gold or silver tier private health insurance, you might be covered for cataract surgery. It’s important to note that waiting periods apply, typically 12 months, depending on your private health insurance provider.

Cataract Surgery – Medicare vs Private Health Coverage

Medicare Private Health Insurance
Can I avoid public hospital waiting lists?No. Yes.
Can I choose my hospital?No. Yes.
Can I choose my own doctor or surgeon?No. Yes.
Will there be any out-of-pocket costs?No. Yes.

Source: Medicalcostfinder.health.gov.au

Choosing the Right Lens for Your Cataract Surgery

When it comes to cataract surgery, selecting the right lens can significantly impact your vision and lifestyle. There are several lens options available, each catering to different needs and preferences. Your specialist will run you through the choices and find the perfect fit for you.

Monofocal Lenses: Clear Vision, Slight Dependency on Glasses

Monofocal lenses offer excellent visual clarity but maintain the same power throughout. If you have astigmatism or an irregular cornea and opt for a monofocal lens, you may still require glasses for optimal vision at varying distances – be it for driving, reading, or using a computer.

Toric Lenses: Freedom from Glasses for Specific Activities

For those with regular astigmatism seeking freedom from glasses during specific activities, toric lenses are a viable option. These lenses offset corneal imperfections by incorporating a cylinder power axis. This adjustment enhances your chances of seeing clearly at a specified focal point without relying on glasses, giving you more independence for activities like reading, watching TV, or using a computer.

Both monofocal and toric lenses offer the flexibility to choose your focus – distance, intermediate, or near vision. Additionally, considering monovision or mini-monovision might be suitable, especially if you’ve had experience with monovision contacts or refractive surgery. With this approach, one eye is set for distance vision, while the other is set for intermediate or near vision, providing a broader range of vision.

Multifocal Lenses: Embrace Life without Glasses

Multifocal lenses are a revolutionary option, capable of focusing light at varying distances, including distance, intermediate, and near vision. Ideal for individuals who despise wearing glasses, these lenses also come with astigmatism correction if necessary. However, it’s important to note that multifocal lenses are best suited for individuals with otherwise healthy eyes, without irregular corneas or eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration or retinal scars.

Choosing the right lens for your cataract surgery involves considering your lifestyle, visual preferences, whether you have private health cover or if you need to use Medicare benefits and overall eye health. Discussing your options thoroughly with your ophthalmologist will ensure you make an informed decision, ultimately leading to improved vision.

Your Patient Cataract Surgery Journey

GP Visit – It all begins with a visit to your general practitioner (GP) – your first step on the path to clearer vision. During this appointment, your GP will provide initial guidance and might recommend further investigation for cataracts. Typically, your GP will refer you to an optometrist and, eventually, to a specialist.

Optometrist Appointment – The next stage involves an appointment with the optometrist, a professional skilled in eye care. Using a specialized magnifying light, the optometrist carefully examines your eye’s lens, looking for any signs of cloudiness. This examination can even detect early-stage cataracts, allowing for timely intervention and treatment.

Specialist Appointment – Following the optometrist’s evaluation, you’ll meet with an ophthalmologist, a specialist in eye diseases and surgeries. Ophthalmologists possess the expertise to diagnose cataracts, even in their early phases. During this appointment, they conduct thorough and in-depth tests, generating crucial data that will be used for your eventual surgery.

Biometric Scan – A vital step in this process is the biometric scan, a precise measurement of the corneal power and eye length. This data is instrumental in determining the ideal power for the intraocular lens (IOL) that will be implanted during your surgery. These measurements play a significant role in assisting your surgeon in selecting the most suitable lens implant tailored to your eye’s unique requirements.

If you’re ready to explore your private health insurance options and discuss cataract coverage, our team is here for you. Give us a call at 1300 861 413 or email us at hello@health.compare  We’re here to help you see clearly and navigate your way to the best health coverage.

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What state is my health fund from?

Our healthcare system is renowned for its quality and accessibility, largely owing to a unique blend of public and private provisions. The heart of our healthcare system lies in private health insurance plans, which play a vital role in providing Australians with additional health coverage beyond what the public system offers. However, the landscape of private health insurance varies considerably from state to state, making it essential for residents to carefully compare private health insurance options to find the best health coverage for their specific needs. 

In this blog, we will explore the variations of private health insurance in Australia, highlighting the differences you should be aware of when comparing health insurance policies from one state to another.

Understanding Private Health Insurance

As private health insurance is an integral part of our healthcare system, it provides Australians with the opportunity to receive enhanced medical services and faster access to healthcare providers, while also relieving some of the pressure on our public healthcare system. Although the overarching principles of private health insurance are consistent across the country, variations in policies from state to state and regulations can be significantly different. 

The Basics of Private Health Insurance

Private health insurance provides financial assistance for medical expenses that are not covered by Medicare. These expenses can include hospital treatments, specialist consultations, and various extras such as dental and optical care. Choosing the right private health insurance policy is paramount for ensuring that you receive the best healthcare services without putting a strain on your finances.

Comparing Private Health Insurance Plans

When it comes to choosing a private health insurance plan for your state there is no shortage of options. Each plan is designed to cater to different needs, preferences, and budgets. To find the best health coverage, it’s crucial to compare health insurance policies thoroughly. This involves considering factors such as coverage benefits, premium costs, waiting periods, and exclusions.

Private Health is the same Australia wide. All health funds service all of Australia.

Ask the Right Questions

Navigating the maze of private health funds in Australia requires asking the right questions. Consider reaching out to providers individually and discussing your healthcare needs. These professionals are well-versed in the state-specific offerings when it comes to private health insurance and can guide you towards policies that align with your needs. Make sure you enquire about waiting periods, coverage limitations, and any potential out-of-pocket expenses. Understanding the terms and conditions thoroughly is crucial to avoid surprises during times of need.

Comparing Benefits and Exclusions

Comparing private health insurance plans state to state, involves looking beyond the surface-level benefits. While some policies may offer comprehensive coverage for hospital stays, others might excel in providing extras like physiotherapy, chiropractic care, or mental health services. Consider your personal or family’s health needs and choose a policy that covers the services most relevant to you. Additionally, pay close attention to exclusions. Some policies might exclude certain pre-existing conditions, elective surgeries, or high-cost treatments. Understanding these exclusions is vital to prevent unexpected denials of coverage when you need it the most.

Incorporating Lifestyle Factors

Your lifestyle and future also play a significant role in choosing the right private health insurance policy. For instance, if you’re planning to start a family, a policy that covers maternity and childbirth-related expenses would be essential. Similarly, if you’re an active individual who frequently participates in sports, a policy covering physiotherapy and sports injuries could be invaluable. These all vary in cost from state to state as well.

Whatever state you live in, in Australia the key to finding the best private health coverage lies in understanding the variations of each state’s offerings. By comparing private health plans, asking the right questions, and considering state-specific needs and lifestyle factors, you can make informed decisions that ensure optimal healthcare. Remember, your health is your most precious asset, and investing time in understanding your private health insurance options is a step toward safeguarding it effectively. 

Our Team is standing by to take your call.

To compare private health insurance funds and discuss your cover today.

Call us on 1300 861 413 or email us hello@health.compare

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What happens if I change my mind about private health insurance?

So, you’re thinking about private health insurance and maybe you’ve got a few questions?  Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered on all you need to know and what you need to do if you change your mind.

Changing Your Mind About Private Health Insurance?

  • Don’t Stress, You Have 30 Days: You can make changes to your policy within 30 days without any hassle, as long as you haven’t made a claim. This means you won’t have to go through waiting periods again if you decide to upgrade your coverage. This cooling off period gives you peace of mind that you’ve made the right choice.

Switching Providers Made Easy:

  • Your New Provider Handles It: If you decide to switch to a new private health insurance provider, they’ll handle the transition for you. They contact your old insurer, cancel your old coverage, and ensure your waiting periods carry over. Plus, your previous insurer will refund any advance premiums you’ve paid.

Waiting Periods and Policy Changes:

  • Check with Your New Private Health Insurer: Waiting periods transfer with you when you switch insurers, so you never have to re-serve a waiting period. If you’re upgrading to services not covered in your previous policy, you might have to wait for a bit before you can claim these benefits.

Cancelling Private Health Insurance:

  • It’s Easy: Cancelling your private health policy is a straightforward process. Depending on your provider, you might need to call them, fill out an online form, or use an online portal to notify them about your cancellation. If you cancel, your private health fund will refund any advance payments you’ve made.

Need Help Deciding?

If you’re still unsure and want to compare the best health coverage options, our team is ready to assist you. Just give us a call at 1300 861 413 or shoot us an email at hello@health.compare We’re here to help you find the perfect private health insurance policy tailored just for you.

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Is physiotherapy covered with Health Insurance?

When it comes to physiotherapy coverage on your private health insurancepolicy you’ll need to take out extras cover. Each policy is different so it’s wise to do your extras research and consider the best private health cover for your physio needs. 

What exactly is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is all about helping you regain, preserve, and optimise your mobility, functionality, and overall well-being. It’s all about enabling you to move more freely and with less discomfort, but it does this without relying on medications or surgery. Instead, physiotherapy employs physical techniques like massage and exercise.

This approach isn’t just about addressing immediate issues. It can also work wonders for the long term. Regular use and strengthening exercises can slow down the natural process of muscle and bone deterioration. Plus, if you’ve faced injuries or have ongoing medical conditions, physiotherapy can play a crucial role in improving your healing.

What does physiotherapy treat?

Physiotherapy coverage is an extra that private health insurance policies offer. It’s designed to provide benefits when you need to see a physiotherapist. If you’re someone who deals with or anticipates issues related to:

  • Mobility limitations – shoulder injuries, knee pain and injuries
  • Post-accident or injury recovery
  • Pre & Post Surgery treatments
  • Specific chronic conditions
  • Neurological disorders
  • Back and neck pain
  • Sports-related injuries
  • Sporting Injuries
  • Ankle Sprains
  • TMJD (jaw pain)
  • Fracture management (casting, boots and braces)

Then, it might be a smart move to consider getting a dependable extras policy that covers your physiotherapy needs. 

What advantages does physiotherapy bring?

Beyond the obvious perks of boosting your mobility and strength, physiotherapy and strength training offer a host of wide-reaching benefits that can enhance your overall well-being and even extend your lifespan. The stronger you are, the lower the risk of other health conditions. 

What types of physio treatments are covered with an extras policy?

Well, there are many options, and it really depends on your private insurance provider and the level of extras coverage you’ve chosen. If you’ve got a basic extras policy, the coverage might be limited, but if you’ve splurged on a more comprehensive extras plan, you’ll likely have broader coverage.

Let’s break down what you might be able to claim if you have an extras policy that includes physiotherapy:

  1. Initial Consultation and Health Diagnosis: This covers your first visit to the physio, where they assess your condition and come up with a plan.
  2. Follow-Up Consultations: Ongoing visits to the physio to track your progress and make adjustments to your treatment.
  3. Treatment Plan Development: The creation of a structured plan tailored to your specific healthcare needs.
  4. Rehabilitation: If you’re on the road to recovery, this can include the exercises and therapies needed to get you back in action.
  5. Dry Needling: Some policies might even cover specialised treatments like dry needling.

How long are the waiting periods for physiotherapy?

When it comes to the waiting periods for your general treatment, which include your extras coverage for physiotherapy, it’s worth noting that these timelines are determined by your specific private health insurance provider. Waiting periods tend to fall in the range of two to six months for services like physiotherapy. There are however policies that have no waiting periods on physiotherapy meaning you can take the cover out and use the service right away!

To wrap up, when it comes to the question of whether physiotherapy is covered by your private health insurance, the answer lies in your extras cover. Every private health insurance policy is unique, so it’s essential to do your homework and select the right plan to suit your physiotherapy needs.

Physiotherapy, as we’ve explored, is a powerful ally in enhancing your mobility, strength, and overall well-being. It’s a natural approach that avoids the need for medications or surgery, making it not just a solution for immediate issues but a key player in long-term health. From slowing down the aging process of muscles and bones to aiding recovery from injuries and managing chronic conditions, physiotherapy offers a wealth of benefits.

Your choice of extras policy will determine the extent of your coverage. Whether it’s that initial consultation, follow-up sessions, treatment plans, rehabilitation, or even specialised treatments like dry needling, the level of coverage can vary based on the plan you select.

Lastly, keep in mind that waiting periods for physiotherapy, like any other extras, can differ from insurer to insurer. Typically, they fall within the range of two to six months. So, as you navigate the world of physiotherapy coverage, remember that it’s all about finding the right policy to keep you moving forward on your journey to better health and well-being.

Our Team are ready to take your call

To compare private health insurance funds and discuss physio cover today.

Call us on  1300 861 413 or email us hello@health.compare

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How do I make a claim on private health insurance?

Welcome to the hassle-free guide to make a private health cover claiming easier! We’re here to simplify the process for you.

Pre-Claim Checklist: 

Before you dive into making a claim, make sure you’ve got these bases covered:

Bank Details: Ensure we have your up-to-date bank details. That’s the secret for a seamless claim process so funds go right into your nominated account.

Know Your Coverage: Take a moment to check that your treatment or service is covered, and you’ve patiently served any waiting periods. Make sure you’re eligible for the services you’re claiming and that you have served relevant waiting periods for each service.

Timing Matters: You can’t claim in advance. So, make sure you’ve already had the treatment or service, and you’re within two years of the date of service.

Read the Fine Print: Read all the Terms and Conditions of your private health insurance, though often overlooked, these are a crucial part of the journey. Make sure you’ve read and agreed to the provider’s T&Cs.

Keep in Mind: Sometimes, your private health provider might need a bit more info to process your claim smoothly. So they may reach out for some extra details.

Ways to Claim: 

Now, let’s explore the avenues you can take to claim back some of your healthcare fees:

Online: If you’re the tech-savvy type, claiming online via your provider’s website on your desktop is the way to go. It’s like online shopping but for your health benefits.

Membership Card: For those who prefer the old-school choice of presenting a physical card, most extras providers offer the convenience of on-the-spot claiming using your membership card in store.

Via Traditional Mail: Simply send your provider a letter with your completed claim form and the original invoices or receipts. 

Mobile App: If you have a smartphone, simply download your provider’s app, and your digital card to make your claim. This option is effortless at health providers with a HICAPS machine.


Q: What’s a Benefit?

A: It’s the reimbursement private health funds give back to you for a service or treatment you’ve had. Think of it as a health bonus – you deserve it!

Q: How Much Will I Get Back from an Extras Claim?

A: The amount depends on a few things, like the item number of the service, your level of cover, and how much you’ve already claimed in the calendar year. 

Q: How Long Does Claim Processing Take?

A:Claims typically take about 7 working days to process. Once we’re done, the private health fund will deposit your benefit into your chosen bank account. 

Still Confused? Talk to Us!

If you’re still unsure how to make a claim for a hospital stay, extras treatment or ambulance journey speak to us today on 1300 861 413 or email us hello@health.compare

We will assist you with finding the best private health insurance provider. 🎉🏥💪

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Medicare vs Private Health Insurance

When it comes to medical cover there is a question that’s on most people’s minds, will Medicare cover me or will I need a private health insurance cover?  Medicare is our public health scheme providing free or subsidised healthcare to all Australians that are permanent residents. Medicare is made up of three main areas: hospital, medical and pharmaceutical. 

Each eligible person in Australia is issued a Medicare card to present every time you see a doctor, go to hospital, or get a medical test done. 

Comparing private health insurance plans with Medicare is the best way to ascertain whether you will have the correct cover and whether you require a mix of both Medicare and private health to give you the most affordable private health insurance. In this month’s blog we will cover everything you need to keep in mind when making your final decision.  

The Advantages of Medicare 

No Cost to You – supplemented by the Australian Government 

  • medical services provided by doctors, specialists, and other health professionals (if your doctor bulk bills, you won’t have to pay for anything)
  • Free or at a lower cost prescription medicine
  • Save money on medical costs by registering your family for the Medicare Safety Net 

What is covered by Medicare 

Medicare partially or fully covers:

  • seeing a GP or specialist
  • tests and scans, like x-rays
  • most surgery and procedures performed by doctors in the public system
  • eye tests by optometrists

For instance, when you are visiting your GP and they have a bulk billing service, Medicare will cover the costs of the visit and you will not have any out-of-pocket expenses. It’s always a good idea at the time of booking to ask your medical practice if they bulk bill and if not enquire how much you will get back as a rebate from the overall fee. 

A great reference tool to find a practitioner that bulk bills can be found here, simply choose the service required and add your postcode or location. It will also give you an idea of what providers offer a competitive charge so you have a comprehensive health plan.

What’s not covered by Medicare 

Unfortunately, Medicare does not cover ambulance levies so you will need to find and organise an Ambulance provider or make sure you’re covered through a private health policy for this service. 

Other items not covered under the Medicare scheme:

  • hearing devices
  • workers’ compensation check-ups or life insurance
  • in home nursing assistance
  • most dental services
  • Chinese medicine, alternative therapies, or complementary medicine (unless it has been ordered by a doctor)
  • Glasses and contact lenses.

About the Medicare Safety Net

A provider of larger rebates to those that have substantial healthcare costs, the Medicare Safety Net offers further assistance with out-of-pocket costs. For example, when you spend a certain amount on healthcare over the course of a year and reach the Medicare Safety Net threshold, Medicare will provide a larger rebate for a wide range of services, including:

  • biopsies
  • blood tests
  • healthcare professional consultations
  • pap smears
  • psychiatry
  • radiotherapy
  • scans
  • ultrasounds
  • x-rays.

Mixing Medicare with Private Health Insurance

Even if you have private health insurance you can still access benefits from Medicare. Some customers opt to have their hospital insurance through their private health fund which allows you to have treatment in a private hospital or as a private patient in a public hospital. The private health system is divided into three areas: hospital, extras, and ambulance.

Advantages of private health cover:

  • Nominate your own doctor/ specialist
  • Less waiting time for non-elective surgeries
  • Choice of hospital 

Private health insurance doesn’t cover:

  • GP visits
  • some specialist visits
  • visits to hospital emergency departments, both public and private
  • any x-rays or other scans
  • any blood tests or other pathology tests.

It’s all about Affordability 

Whether you can afford to pay for private health insurance is a big factor. You may choose only to have Medicare cover, due to the cost of private health cover. It really comes down to your budget and what works best for your financial situation.  Medicare is still a great alternative option for your health and well-being.

Some important things to keep in mind

If require non-urgent, elective surgery or treatment the waiting times can be longer in the public Medicare system. So, choosing a private health policy that will cover your surgery and speed up the process may be something to think about.  

Chat to us Today

To compare private health insurance  – speak to one of our team members today on 1300 861 413 or email us hello@health.compare

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I’ve exhausted my extras this year, what can I do?

Each calendar year, your extras cover on your private health policy resets on January 1. Some funds vary, but mostly all extras policies reset around this time. Extras policies can cover such services as dental, optical, and physiotherapy. So, what can you do if you’ve exhausted all your extras limits for this year? Don’t worry, there are still options available to you. Let’s explore some practical solutions to help out if you’ve used up all your extras cover.

Prioritise essential treatments:

1. When you’ve exhausted your extras limits, it’s important to plan ahead so you know when the limits reset and prioritise your essential treatments. Focus on services that are necessary for your health and well-being. For example, if you have ongoing dental issues, make sure to book your regular check-ups to avoid extra out-of-pocket expenses if you need extra fillings or dental work done. By prioritising essential treatments, you can ensure that you’re taking care of your health while making the most of the coverage you have left before the ailment becomes a major issue.

Source discounted packages from health providers:

2. Look for professionals who offer competitive rates or discounted packages. Some providers may also offer a combination of bulk-billing and payment plans to help out. By researching and comparing different provider options, you might find more affordable alternatives for the health services you need.

Review your policy:

3. Take the time to review your current private health policy. Check if there are any additional benefits or options that you may have overlooked. Some policies offer loyalty bonuses or additional coverage for specific services. By understanding the details of your extras component of your private health policy, you can make informed decisions about utilising your benefits and potentially find hidden perks that you haven’t taken advantage of yet.

Consider waiting until the new year:

4. If you’ve exhausted all your extras limits and can afford to wait, you may consider postponing non-urgent treatments until the new year. By doing so, you’ll be able to take advantage of the refreshed limits and maximise your extras coverage once it resets. 

Seek professional advice:

5. Talk to your private health fund, they can provide guidance based on your specific policy and circumstances. They’ll help you navigate the policy, understand your options, and give suggestions for strategies to make the most of your extras coverage.

Reaching the extras limits on your private health cover doesn’t mean you’re out of options. By prioritising essential treatments, exploring alternative providers, reviewing your policy or waiting until the new year, you can still make the most of your coverage. Remember, the key is to be proactive when it comes to your healthcare needs and plan ahead. 

Chat to us Today

To compare private health insurance extras and discuss what’s  best for you – our friendly team are ready to talk you through the options. Call us on  1300 861 413 or email us hello@health.compare

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