Is Gold Health Insurance really worth it?

Navigating private health hospital cover can often be overwhelming, deciding what level of hospital cover you require can also be confusing. In this month’s blog we will dive into the details of gold level hospital cover and discover what you are covered for and is it really worth the investment. 

When would I need Gold health Insurance?

There are a wide range of benefits covered with gold health insurance, although you may only need this level of cover if you require hospital psychiatric services, pregnancy cover, cataract eye surgery, Insulin pump for type 1 diabetes or a surgical weight loss procedure.  If you need to be covered for these services, you will require gold hospital cover.

What is Gold health Insurance?

This is the highest level of private health cover available in a private hospital in Australia. Gold level health insurance cover offers full private health insurance, whereas silver offers medium cover, Bronze low cover and Basic very little cover. In 2019, the Australian Government brought in reforms to simplify private health insurance and one of these reforms was categorising all hospital policies into four tiers basic, bronze, silver and gold. 

So what does Gold health insurance cover?

All of the following medical treatments are also covered required to be carried out as an inpatient in a private hospital when you take out gold health insurance cover:

Hospital psychiatric servicesTreatment and care of patients with psychiatric, mental, addiction or behavioural disorders. For example: schizophrenia, depression, eating disorders, addiction therapy, and post-natal depression.
Weight loss surgerySurgery that is designed to reduce a person’s weight, remove excess skin due to weight loss and reversal of a bariatric procedure. For example: gastric banding, gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy.
RehabilitationPhysical rehabilitation for any patient recovering from illness, such as stroke recovery or cardiac rehabilitation.
Palliative careProviding quality of life care for a patient with a terminal illness, including treatment to alleviate and manage pain.
Brain and nervous systemThe investigation and treatment of the brain, brain-related conditions, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system. For example, stroke, brain or spinal cord tumours, head injuries, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s disease. This category does not include the treatment of spinal column conditions and chemotherapy or radiotherapy for cancer.
Eye (not cataracts)The investigation and treatment of the eye and contents of the eye socket. For example: retinal detachment, tear duct conditions, eye infections and medically managed trauma to the eye. This category does not include cataracts, eyelid procedures, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
Ear, nose & throatThe investigation and treatment of the ear, nose, throat, middle ear, thyroid, parathyroid, larynx, lymph nodes, and related areas of the head and neck. This category does not include tonsils, adenoids, grommets, implantation of hearing devices, orthopaedic neck conditions, sleep studies, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
Tonsils, adenoids and grommetsTreatment of the tonsils, adenoids, and insertion or removal of grommets.
Bone, joint and muscleTreatment for the investigation and treatment of diseases, disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. For example: carpal tunnel, fractures, hand surgery, joint fusions, bone spurs, and bone cancer. This category does not include chest surgery, spinal cord conditions, spinal column conditions, joint reconstructions, joint replacements, podiatric surgery, management of back pain, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
Joint reconstructionsTreatment for joint reconstructions. For example: torn tendons, rotator cuff tears, and damaged ligaments. This category does not include joint replacements, bone fractures, spinal column procedures, and podiatric surgery.
Kidney and bladderThe investigation and treatment of the kidney, adrenal gland and bladder. For example: kidney stones, adrenal gland tumour and incontinence. This category does not include dialysis and chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
Male reproductive systemThe investigation and treatment of the male reproductive system including the prostate. For example: male sterilisation, circumcision and prostate cancer. This category does not include chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
Digestive systemThe investigation and treatment of the digestive system, including the oesophagus, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, liver and bowel. For example: oesophageal cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, gallstones and haemorrhoids. This category does not include endoscopy, hernia and appendectomy procedures, bariatric (weight loss) surgery, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
Hernia and appendixThe investigation and treatment of a hernia or appendicitis. This category does not include digestive conditions.
Gastrointestinal endoscopyThe diagnosis, investigation and treatment of the internal parts of the gastrointestinal system using an endoscope (an instrument using a camera to look inside the body) For example: colonoscopy and gastroscopy. This category does not include non-endoscopic procedures for the digestive system.
GynaecologyThe investigation and treatment of the female reproductive system. For example: endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, female sterilisation and cervical cancer. This category does not include fertility treatments, pregnancy and birth-related conditions, miscarriage or termination of pregnancy, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
Miscarriage and termination of pregnancyThe investigation and treatment of a miscarriage or for termination of pregnancy.
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy for cancerTreatment for chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy for the treatment of cancer or benign tumours. This category does not include surgical treatment of cancer, which is listed separately under each body system.
Pain managementTreatment for pain management that does not require the insertion or surgical management of a device. For example: treatment of nerve pain and chest pain due to cancer by injection of a nerve block. This category does not include pain management using a device such as an infusion pump or neurostimulator.
SkinThe investigation and treatment of skin, skin related conditions and nails. This category includes the removal of foreign bodies, and plastic surgery that is medically necessary and relating to the treatment of a skin related condition. For example: melanoma, minor wound repair and abscesses. This category does not include removal of excess skin due to weight loss, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
Breast surgery (medically necessary)The investigation and treatment of breast disorders and associated lymph nodes, and reconstruction and/or reduction following breast surgery or a preventative mastectomy. For example: breast lesions, breast tumours, asymmetry due to breast cancer surgery, and gynecomastia. This category does not require benefits to be paid for cosmetic breast surgery that is not medically necessary.
Diabetes management (excluding insulin pumps)The investigation and management of diabetes. For example: stabilisation of hypo- or hyper- glycaemia, contour problems due to insulin injections. Treatment for diabetes related conditions is listed separately under each body system affected. This category does not include treatment for ulcers or provision and replacement of insulin pumps.
Heart and vascular systemThe investigation and treatment of the heart, heart related conditions and vascular system. For example: heart failure and heart attack, monitoring of heart conditions, varicose veins and removal of plaque from arterial walls. Also known as cardiac services. This category does not include chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
Lung and chestThe investigation and treatment of the lungs, lung related conditions, mediastinum and chest. For example: lung cancer, respiratory disorders such as asthma, pneumonia, and treatment of trauma to the chest. This category does not include chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
BloodThe investigation and treatment of blood and blood related conditions. For example: blood clotting disorders and bone marrow transplants. This category does not include treatment for cancers of the blood.
Back, neck and spineThe investigation and treatment of the back, neck and spinal column, including spinal fusion. For example: sciatica, prolapsed or herniated disc, and spine curvature disorders such as scoliosis. This category does not include joint replacements, joint fusions, spinal cord conditions, management of back pain, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
Plastic and reconstructive surgery (medically necessary)Treatment which is medically necessary for the investigation and treatment of any physical deformity, whether acquired as a result of illness or accident, or congenital. For example: burns requiring a graft, cleft palate, club foot and angioma. This category does not include treatment of skin-related conditions and chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer.
Dental surgeryHospital treatment for surgery to the teeth and gums. For example: surgery to remove wisdom teeth, and dental implant surgery.
Podiatric surgery (provided by a registered podiatric surgeon)The investigation and treatment of conditions affecting the foot and/or ankle, provided by a registered podiatric surgeon. This is limited to cover for hospital accommodation and the cost of a prosthesis. Note that insurers are not required to pay for any other benefits for podiatric surgery, such as the surgeon’s fee or medical fees such as the anaesthetist, though they may choose to do so.
Implantation of hearing devicesTreatment to correct hearing loss, including implantation of a prosthetic hearing device.
CataractsSurgery to remove a cataract and replace with an artificial lens.
Joint replacementsSurgery for joint replacements, including revisions, resurfacing, partial replacements and removal of prostheses. For example: replacement of shoulder, wrist, finger, hip, knee, ankle, or toe joint, spinal disc replacement. This category does not include joint fusions, spinal fusions, joint reconstructions, and podiatric surgery performed by a registered podiatric surgeon.
Dialysis for chronic kidney failureDialysis treatment for chronic kidney failure (renal failure). For example: peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis.
Pregnancy and birthInvestigation and treatment of conditions associated with pregnancy and child birth. Also known as obstetrics. This category does not include treatment for the baby (this is covered under the clinical category relevant to their condition), female reproductive conditions, fertility treatments, miscarriage and termination of pregnancy.
Assisted reproductive servicesHospital treatment for fertility treatments or procedures. For example: retrieval of eggs or sperm, In vitro Fertilisation (IVF), and Gamete Intra fallopian Transfer (GIFT). This category does not include treatment of the female reproductive system, and pregnancy and birth-related services.
Insulin pumpsThe provision and replacement of insulin pumps for treatment of diabetes.
Pain management with deviceThe implantation, replacement or other surgical management of a device required for the treatment of pain. For example: treatment of nerve pain, back pain, and pain caused by coronary heart disease with a device (for example an infusion pump or neurostimulator). This category does not include treatment of pain that does not require a device.
Sleep studiesThe investigation of sleep patterns and anomalies. For example: sleep apnoea and snoring.

Source: – Updated January 2024.

How does Gold health insurance stack up to Silver and Bronze cover?

If you take out Gold level cover this will include all 38 clinical categories. Gold health insurance policies include unrestricted cover for pregnancy, surgical weight loss surgery and hospital psychiatric services. This level of cover is the top-tier that has extensive coverage on many services. 

Gold health insurance has 9 more clinical categories than Silver health insurance and 17 more clinical categories than Bronze health cover.

Who’d suit Gold tier cover?

Working out if gold health insurance cover is right for you is dependent on your situation. You may find one or more of the following items apply to you:

  • You need assistance with weight loss in regards to a gastric banding
  • You have diabetes and require an insulin pump
  • You and your partner plan on becoming pregnant and want to have your baby as a private patient in a private hospital 
  • IVF treatment is required to assist in the start of your family 
  • You want the peace of mind to know you are covered for 38 categories of treatments
  • You require a knee or hip joint replacement 
  • You suffer with chronic pain and require a device and pain management plan 
  • You have chronic kidney failure and require ongoing dialysis
  • You suffer from sleep issues and require medical treatment 
  • You have or are developing cataracts and need surgery to remove

To conclude, the question of whether Gold health insurance is worth it ultimately depends on individual circumstances and healthcare needs. While Gold level cover comes with a higher cost, it also provides comprehensive coverage for a wide range of medical treatments and procedures, offering peace of mind in times of need. With benefits spanning from joint replacements to pregnancy and birth, Gold health insurance ensures access to top-tier medical care in private hospitals across the country.

To explore your options and compare hospital cover that best suits your needs, reach out to our friendly team members who can provide personalised guidance and support. Call us today at 1300 861 413 or email to get started on securing your health and well-being.

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Your complete Private Health Insurance Comparison Checklist

When it comes to choosing a private health fund that suits your needs and stage of life we are here to help you out with the best possible outcome to assist you to compare private health insurance options.

What to ask when you’re choosing health insurance

  • Do you already have a private health insurance policy?
  • What level or type of cover is needed?
  • Who do you need to cover on the private health policy and are they eligible for Medicare?
  • Do you have a budget that you need to work to?

What type of cover do you need?

  • Hospital 
  • General extras cover
  • Or both?

What’s your family or personal status?

  • Single
  • Couple
  • Family 
  • Single parent

What’s your preferred payment method?

  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

Are you eligible for the Medicare levy and surcharge?

In Australia, most of us contribute about 2% of what we earn for the Medicare levy when we file our tax returns. If you’re not covered by private health insurance and you make above a certain amount, you might get hit with an additional fee. This extra charge could be as much as 1.5% of what you earned that year. Sometimes, though, if you’re bringing in a good salary, it might actually save you money to get private health insurance instead of shelling out for the surcharge. If you need more details on how the Medicare levy works, you can check out the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website.

Does the Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) loading apply to you?

The LHC loading is basically a push from the government to remind you to consider buying health insurance before turning 30. If you miss the boat and don’t have private health insurance by then, you’ll face a 2% extra charge on your premium for each year you wait past 30.

The good news? You don’t need to buy top private health insurance cover – just having basic hospital cover is enough to avoid the LHC loading. Make sure you compare private health insurers for the best deal and for the finer details on how LHC works, you can check out

What Private Health won’t Cover

  • General practitioner visits
  • Some specialist visits
  • Visits to a public or private hospital emergency department.

Unless you’re a patient in hospital, it also doesn’t cover:

  • X-rays or other scans
  • Blood tests or other pathology tests.

What to ask your Doctor when being treated:

  • What is the fee for my Procedure/treatment?
  • Will your fee be covered by Medicare and my private health insurer, or is there a gap fee?
  • If there is a gap fee, how much will that be?
  • What are my options if I cannot afford the gap fee?
  • Are there any other costs associated with my procedure/ treatment?
  • What are the Medicare Benefits Schedule item numbers for my procedure/ treatment?

What to ask the hospital:

  • Do you have an agreement with my private health insurer?
  • Will I have a gap to pay at admission time?
  • What will be my other out of pocket expenses while I’m in hospital?

When navigating private health insurance options, our comprehensive Private Health Insurance Comparison Checklist is your go-to guide. We’ll walk you through key considerations, from determining your coverage needs based on life stage to budget constraints and payment preferences. Covering insights into potential Medicare levies and Lifetime Health Cover loading, this blog will assist you to make informed decisions. Plus, we outline what’s typically excluded from coverage and provide essential questions to ask both your doctor and the hospital. Don’t navigate the complexities alone – compare private health insurers today and connect with our team to find the best fit for you.

Speak to one of our friendly team members about your options Call 1300 861 413 or email

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What you need to know about Extras – your complete health cover comparison

When it comes to extras cover on your private health cover many of us ask the question is it really worth it?  Do the benefits outweigh the cost?  Extras cover is worth it if you use non-Medicare services on a regular basis.  The value for money comes with the usage of your extras cover. For instance if you require glasses or contact lenses – optical extras cover is beneficial or if you play a sport you may require ongoing physiotherapy treatment.  If you have children that require braces or dental work, having extras on your private health cover is worth considering. 

Why should you take out extras cover?

This type of cover is useful if you require out of hospital medical services to maintain your health and wellbeing and improve your overall quality of life. You will find it covers physiotherapy and chiropractic services, prescription glasses and contact lenses, hearing aids, ambulance cover (depending on your state of residence) and some non-PBS pharmaceuticals depending on your level of extras cover and state you live in. 

Need help choosing the correct level of extras cover?

There are a few factors that will come into play when choosing what extras cover you require such as budget and your specific health needs. Higher levels of cover are generally more expensive but offer a wider range of covered services. Depending where you are in your life stage, you may opt for this higher option or if you are younger and only require the basic services, basic extras may suit you. 

Below are the areas of treatments that are covered when it comes to extras policies:

Each private health policy varies from provider to provider, so it’s best to compare private health cover to find the best extras policy for your needs.

General Dental & Major DentalGeneral Dental Care: This includes routine check-ups, fillings, examinations, X-rays, and those refreshing scale and clean sessions.
Major Dental Work: When things get serious, like needing crowns, surgical tooth extractions, bridges, dentures, wisdom teeth removal and veneers.
Orthodontic Treatments: From the subtle alignment of Invisalign to the traditional braces and retainers, including their fitting and adjustments.
Endodontic Services: This covers gum treatment and root canal therapy to keep those teeth and gums healthy and pain-free.
Optical (Glasses & contact lenses)Optical Needs: Whether it’s prescription sunglasses, eyeglasses, or contact lenses, ensuring you see clearly is a priority.
PhysiotherapyPhysiotherapy Sessions: Post-operative care and tailored exercises to keep your muscles in top form, whether for recovery or sports-related therapy.
Hydrotherapy: Using specialist exercises that take place in a warm water pool to heal injuries and aid in rehabilitation.
Chiropractic/ osteopathy Remedial Massages: Soothing deep tissue massages or targeted treatments for sports injuries, helping you bounce back faster.
Massage/ natural therapiesChiropractic Care: From consultations and X-rays to gentle spinal adjustments, addressing musculoskeletal issues with a holistic approach.
Chinese Medicine: This is a holistic approach to disease and focuses as much on the prevention of illness as the treatment of it.
Acupuncture: You will be covered for acupuncture treatments working to restore health and wellbeing.
PodiatryPodiatry Services: Taking care of your feet and lower limbs, addressing everything from ingrown nails to bunions, crucial for athletes and those with mobility challenges.
Orthotics Support: Customised shoe inserts to enhance natural foot function and alleviate discomfort.
LifestyleExercise Physiology: Utilising specialised exercises to aid in injury recovery, manage chronic conditions, and improve overall wellness.
Psychological Support: Guidance from psychologists to tackle both mental and physical health concerns, with a focus on holistic well-being.
Non-PBS Pharmaceuticals Coverage: Assisting with the cost of prescription medications not covered by the government’s Pharmaceuticals Benefits Scheme (PBS).
Lifestyle Programs: Supporting approved courses aimed at enhancing your well-being, whether it’s quitting smoking, joining fitness classes, or managing weight effectively.
Hearing Aid Services: Covering the purchase, repair, or replacement of devices to address hearing impairments.
Dietician Consultations: Professional guidance on diet, nutrition, weight management, and disease control from recognised dieticians.
Travel Vaccinations:  Selected travel vaccinations administered by a doctor or at a vaccine clinic if you have a pharmacy receipt, doctor’s account or vaccine clinic account.
AmbulanceAmbulance Cover: Depending on where you live, considering ambulance cover is essential. Some health insurance extras policies include ambulance cover, but the extent of coverage can vary, so it’s worth exploring.

Extras Cover Levels Explained

There are basically three levels of extras cover that you can include on your private health policy in addition to your chosen hospital cover. Some providers also offer levels in between these three core levels for example – basic plus extras, medium plus extras etc. 

Basic Extras Cover

This is basically your lowest level of extras cover that will cover:

  • General dental
  • Physiotherapy
  • Optical

Medium Extras Cover

This level of cover usually provides good value for money. The medium level of extras cover generally include so or all of the following:

  • General dental 
  • Major dental 
  • Endodontics
  • Orthodontics
  • Optical
  • Physiotherapy
  • Chiropractic/osteopathy
  • Ambulance

Top Extras Cover

By choosing this level of extras cover you can have the peace of mind that you are covered for most health issues that may arise, such as:

  • General dental 
  • Major dental 
  • Endodontics
  • Orthodontics
  • Optical
  • Non-PBS pharmaceuticals
  • Physiotherapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Chiropractic/osteopathy
  • Podiatry
  • Psychology
  • Hearing aids
  • Acupuncture 
  • Chinese Medicine 
  • Travel Vaccinations 
  • Ambulance

Extras Waiting Periods Explained

Each private health fund varies but some waive extras waiting periods if you move over to them, if you’re looking to move its best to do a private health cover comparison and see who can offer you the best value for money to suit your life stage. 

When it comes to extras cover insurers can apply any waiting period they like. Some examples of extras waiting periods may be: 

General dental2 months
Physiotherapy 2 months
Chiropractic/osteopathy2 months
Natural Therapies2 months
Optical6 months
Healthy lifestyle6 months
Dental special (periodontics, removal wisdom teeth, oral surgery, root canal, orthodontics, dentures)12 months
Orthotics12 months
Hearing aids36 months
Ambulance servicesImmediately or 1-2 days

Although for hospital services, private health funds must follow the Government guidelines for waiting periods and these waiting periods must be no more than:

  • 12 months for pre-existing conditions
  • 12 months for pregnancy and birth-related services
  • 2 months for psychiatric care, rehabilitation or palliative care (even if it’s for a pre-existing condition)
  • 2 months for all other services*

* Source: 

Remember to check your Extras Limits

Depending on your private health fund provider, each extras cover service will have a benefit limit per calendar year.  Generally you can claim a certain percentage of the cost of that service up to a maximum limit set out by your private health fund. 

Percentage Limits

Your private health fund may offer a percentage of the total cost of a service as a rebate. For example – your policy may cover 70% of your dental costs and you are responsible to pay the other 30% owing. This is called a gap payment. Alternatively, your policy may cover 100% of your new pair of reading glasses if the cost comes in under or equivalent to the annual claim limit. 

Dollar Amount Limit  

Some private health extras allow you to claim each service up to a particular dollar limit per service. 

To conclude, navigating the large number of extras cover options can be overwhelming, but understanding your specific needs and comparing private health policies can ensure you find the best fit for your health and financial circumstances. Whether it’s routine dental care, physiotherapy sessions, or even lifestyle programs, extras cover can provide invaluable support in maintaining your well-being. 

Remember, the key is to strike a balance between coverage and cost, ensuring you’re adequately protected without overpaying for services you may not need. By doing your research, considering your life stage, and consulting with experts, you can confidently choose an extras cover that complements your private health policy and gives you peace of mind. 

If you need assistance navigating through the extras options or have questions about what’s best for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team to compare private health cover. 

Call us today at 1300 861 413 or email hello@healthmarketing

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Compare dental health insurance – which funds offer the best cover

If you’re in need of some dental work, minor or major, there are many options on the market with various private health providers that may offer the ideal rebate and solution for your oral care plan. Most of us put off a visit to the dentist for fear of the need of fillings or other work.  Using your private health extras policy to claim each year on regular dental check ups may save you money in the long run. If you keep on top of dental checks and cleans, you may not need that filling. 

Dental health insurance pricing can vary greatly from provider to provider, spend time researching and weighing up which extras policy that includes dental will be the best value for you and your family.  If you are a single person maybe you only need basic dental cover, or if you have a family with 2 or more kids you would be better off with a more comprehensive plan to make sure everyone is covered.

Compare dental health insurance providers:

Bupa offers a range of dental extras to keep your teeth and gums healthy. With different levels to suit different dental needs, Bupa covers you from check-up and clean to major dental work such as crowns. Read more
Providing high-quality affordable treatment for a range of dental services, HCF will cover your child’s first visit to caring for your teeth when you’re older. HCF boasts a dental provider network of over 10,000 practitioners.  Read more
NIB offer ‘First Choice Dental’ with their extras policies which allow you to access a range of treatments with their dental practitioner network. These practitioners offer treatments at agreed rates so you are not out-of-pocket. Read more

AAMI’s dental insurance offers various levels depending on if you require minor or major dental work. For instance if you require root canal work or removing wisdom teeth, this would be considered major dental work. Read more

HBF offers a 100% rebate on your first scale and clean each year, resulting in more money in your pocket. They offer cover for preventative dental, restorative and major dental and orthodontics. Read more


Are there waiting periods with dental insurance? 

Waiting periods vary from private health fund to health fund, generally when you sign up for an Extras policy there will be a waiting period. A few other factors that can come into play are if you are a new customer to the provider. They may offer reduced waiting periods as part of a sign up promotion or depending on what dental treatments you require there could be extended waiting periods. It pays to shop around and compare dental health insurance plans.

How much can I claim on dental services with my private health cover?

By taking out Extras cover with your private health provider, some of the health funds have arrangements with dental health care providers to offer services to the members at a higher benefit rate than others. This is known as preferred providers and health funds recommend these dental providers to their members.  This may result in ‘no out-of-pocket expenses’ or ‘reduced out-of-pocket expenses’.

Are dental treatments covered by Medicare?

If your family currently receives government benefits, you will find that your children can get bulk-billed for most dental services – these include:

  • dental check-ups
  • x-rays
  • cleaning
  • sealing cracked teeth
  • dental fillings
  • root canal treatment
  • tooth extractions

Otherwise generally dental health care is not covered by Medicare, taking out an Extras policy with dental with your  private health fund will help cover the costs.

What types of dental health care coverage comes with private health insurance?

Once you have taken out Extras cover with dental coverage, generally the following services are fully or partially covered:

  • General check-up appointments
  • Scaling and cleaning
  • Basic fillings
  • Extractions
  • Flouride treatments
  • X-rays
  • Root canal therapy 
  • Crown and bridgework
  • Orthodontics

If you are in need of major dental work like root canal therapy, crowns, bridges and orthodontics you will need to compare private insurance providers and check what level of cover offers the best rebates for these types of major dental services as this will vary from provider to provider. It’s also important to note that these major dental services may have longer waiting periods.

Are braces or Invisalign included with my dental cover?

Certain private health funds cover up to 80% for specialised orthodontic costs, speak to your health fund and compare extras policy and cover. Here are some health funds that offer this cover:

What is the average cost of each dental health care service?*

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* Source:

When it comes to dental health insurance, finding the right provider and policy can significantly impact your oral health care and financial impact. Whether you’re an individual or a family, assessing your dental needs, present and future by comparing different dental health plans is essential to ensure adequate coverage. Each private health provider offers various levels of coverage, from basic check-ups to major dental procedures, with varying rebates and waiting periods. It’s crucial to consider these factors such as preferred providers and out-of-pocket expenses to make your final decision. Remember, prioritising regular dental check-ups and cleanings can potentially prevent the need for costly treatments down the track. So, take the time to research and compare dental insurance plans that best fits your needs and budget, ultimately safeguarding your overall oral health.

Compare dental health insurance today and speak to one of our friendly team members about your options. Call 1300 861 413 or email

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What do I get with my level of Hospital Cover?

Hospital cover will vary from state to state and from private health fund to health fund. In 2019 the Government made reforms and introduced a system that saw private health hospital cover be brought under four tiers – gold, silver, bronze and basic. This allowed Australians to easily compare private health cover like for like and work out what cover best suited their stage in life. 

In addition the Government set requirements that each tier of hospital cover has a minimum list of treatment categories that they must include. If a health fund may choose to add the word ‘plus’ to their tier of hospital cover, this means they are offering more than the minimum treatment categories. For example:  One private health fund may cover three more categories than the minimum requirement for that tier, therefore they are allowed to add the word ‘plus’ to their hospital cover tier name. 

What treatment categories do the tiers of hospital cover offer?


With Gold Hospital being the highest level of cover,  the Government set requirements that it must include cover for all 38 categories of treatment and services. It’s designed for people who are looking for the most comprehensive cover. If you are planning on having a baby, Gold Hospital is the only tier of cover where the pregnancy treatment category is included. All private health funds have pregnancy in their Gold Hospital coverage. 


Silver hospital cover includes 29 categories and is the second highest tier of cover. There are some restrictions on this level of cover for hospitals such as rehabilitation, palliative care and psychiatric services. If you’re looking for more cover than Bronze hospital but don’t need all the treatment categories of Gold Hospital cover and price tag – Silver is a great middle of the road option.


Bronze Hospital cover must include at least 18 treatment categories plus three restricted cover options for palliative care,  psychiatric services and rehabilitation. The upside to Bronze cover you will be covered for hospital services such as ear, nose and throat, brain and nervous system and joint reconstructions. 


Basic Hospital is the minimum coverage tier a health fund can offer. With basic hospital cover you will only receive very minimal benefits as set out by the Government. It is best to check what you are covered for before entering hospital as you may have a large amount of out-of-pocket expenses.  

Product tiers and minimum clinical categories set out by the Government:

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Will I have to pay the Medicare Levy? 

You will only have to pay the Medicare Levy if you do not have private hospital cover. The surcharge is in place to encourage individuals to take out private health cover. 

The surcharge covers you and your dependents.  Your dependents include: 

  • your spouse; 
  • any of your children who are under 21 years of age; or 
  • any of your full-time student children who are under 25 years of age.

The Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) is determined based on a percentage ranging from 1% to 1.5% of your income. This surcharge is an additional cost imposed in conjunction with the standard 2% Medicare Levy, applicable to the majority of Australian taxpayers. To work out your yearly income for MLS and Rebate calculations, you may utilise the Private Health Insurance Rebate Calculator provided by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or reach out to the ATO directly for assistance.

Compare Policies 

Remember to review your private health insurance requirements depending on your stage of life. Your policy may no longer be suited to you and the treatments you require. A few things to keep in mind when choosing a level of hospital cover is who will be covered, the medical care you need, the services or categories you require and if you are willing to keep your premium costs down by paying an excess.

Be sure to compare private health policies taking into account excesses, benefit limits and co-payments that all influence the total cost of treatments.  You may find the cheapest policy is not the best policy for you and your needs.Talk to us today to compare private health cover and discover what level of hospital coverage you require – call us  on 1300 861 413 or email

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A Guide to Building Healthy Habits for 2024

As we move  into 2024, setting health goals is important to ensure a successful year of well-being. Here’s some practical routines that will elevate your overall health, alongside these personal care recommendations we’ll explore the advantages of private health coverage extras that will help kick start your goals.

Prioritise Sleep for Optimal Well-being:

Sleep is the foundation of good health, like recharging your body’s battery each day. To enhance your sleep quality, disconnect from technology at least an hour before bedtime. The Sleep Foundation provides great insights into how electronics and technology affect sleep and why it’s a good idea to disconnect at least one hour before bed.

Regular Exercise to Boost Physical and Mental Well-being:

Exercising daily is a great way to boost both physical and mental well-being. Incorporating daily workouts into your routine will set you up to achieving your overall wellness goals. Variation is the key when it comes to workout routines, mix it up – you’ll not only target different muscle groups but also keep things interesting and challenging making it more likely that you’ll stick to your routine over the long term. 

Mindfulness for a Focus:  

When you feel overwhelmed or distracted in day to day life, practicing mindfulness each day can be beneficial to your overall health.  Kick off the day and spend a few minutes meditating, practice some deep breathing, or simply enjoy your morning coffee without distractions. Putting these easy steps into place each day will give you the focus to start your day. 

Foster Connections with Loved Ones:

We as humans thrive on social connection. This connection can be as simple as a phone call to a friend or loved one or a sharing of a movie.  These small actions can significantly contribute to your overall happiness. By investing in the relationships that matter most in your life, you will enrich your mental and emotional well-being.

Hydration is the key to a Healthy Body:  

Water is essential for our bodies, not only does it aid in the removal of waste from our body, it also hydrates and supports kidney function.  Water can assist in flushing toxins from our bodies and promoting a healthier you.  Did you know water also acts as a natural lubricant for our joints?  

Cultivate Gratitude:

There are many benefits from practicing gratitude each day. It not only helps us disconnect from the busyness of our daily lives, it works wonders for your mental well-being.  It’s as simple as thinking of three things you are grateful for each day – this could be people, loved ones, nature, your home or community. Commit to writing these things down and it’s more to notice good things as they happen in your life. Gratitude also may be in the form of returning a favour to a loved one or paying it forward in a simple act of kindness.

Stress Management:

Everyday life can cause pressure, demands and stress. Learning how to manage stress is vital for your mental health and your general overall wellness. Try to balance work and play, achieving work goals but at the same time making time for spending time with friends, working out or walking your dog. Another crucial part to managing stress is getting enough sleep. Start a bedtime routine which includes winding down from technology at least one hour before bedtime.

Embrace Reading:

By incorporating reading into your daily routine and immersing yourself in a good novel it allows the brain to disconnect from stress from daily life. Did you know reading enhances creativity and assists with critical thinking skills? Not only does reading increase your vocabulary, enhance your knowledge but it also helps strengthen your writing abilities. 

Adopt a Balanced Diet:

There are many benefits to a healthy, balanced diet – a diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein help you lower cholesterol and blood pressure, lose weight and lower the risk of other diseases. The food you eat supplies important nutrients your body needs to maintain your blood circulation, nerves, muscle,  brain, bone, nerves, skin and immune system.

Limit Alcohol Consumption:

By significantly reducing or cutting out alcohol altogether, you will significantly reduce many things that have an impact on your mental health. These included reducing blood pressure, weight loss, improved energy and better sleep. Alcohol also impacts the rate that the body absorbs nutrients.

More Outdoor Time:

Spending time outdoors can have an immediate impact on your health and wellbeing. Not only does it improve your mood, it relieves stress, improves your physical health and helps you connect with your locaL community. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll or a hike in the mountains – spending time in nature allows your body to unwind.

Quit Smoking for a Healthier Future:

We all know the risks associated with smoking, quitting is difficult and most people will experience side effects for around 2-4 weeks. Speak to your GP about a plan and how they can support you during your process to quit smoking. Your longer-term risks of cancer, lung disease, heart disease and stroke will be significantly reduced.

Unplug from Technology:

Make a conscious decision to disconnect from screens and social media. By doing this you will experience improved sleep, a more settled mind and strain on your eyes. Replace screen time with reading a book, walk the dog or take up a hobby.  This break from digital life will work wonders for your wellbeing.  

Listen to Music:

Music has proven health benefits, including anxiety reduction, lower blood pressure, and improved sleep quality as researched by John Hopkins. Incorporate music into your daily routine for a positive impact on your well-being.

How your Private Health Extras can help out

Check your private health insurance extras cover, there are many well-being services that could be covered with your policy, such as:

  • remedial massage
  • chiropractic 
  • physiotherapy
  • optical 
  • gym memberships

Embark on the journey to better health in 2024 by adopting some or all of these routines. As you prioritise your well-being, consider comparing private health insurance options to ensure you have the best health coverage tailored to your needs. Investing in your health is an invaluable commitment that pays dividends throughout the year.

Talk to us today to compare private health cover that’s best for you on your health journey for 2024 – call us  on 1300 861 413 or email 

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Why skin checks are so important – A Comprehensive Guide on How Private Health Cover Can Assist

In our sun-drenched country, where UV radiation levels are intense, skin checks have become an indispensable aspect of healthcare. Detecting potential issues early on can be a game-changer, especially in a country with the highest global incidence of skin cancer. In this blog, we delve into why skin checks are crucial, how they contribute to overall skin health, and, importantly, how private health cover plays a pivotal role in supporting this proactive approach.

The Australian Skin Cancer Dilemma:

Australia holds the unfortunate record of having the highest rate of skin cancer worldwide. Shockingly, more than two in three Australians are diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70. The prevalent types include melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma, all exacerbated by our country’s relentless exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Early Detection: A Lifesaver:

The cornerstone of successfully combating skin cancer lies in early detection. Early identification significantly improves the chances of successful treatment, reducing the need for invasive interventions. Routine skin checks empower individuals to identify suspicious moles or lesions promptly, leading to timely medical intervention and, ultimately, saving lives.

Preventive Measures for Skin Health:

Beyond the critical aspect of cancer detection, routine skin checks also contribute to overall skin health. They identify non-cancerous conditions, enabling early intervention and preventing complications. By prioritising skin health, individuals can proactively safeguard themselves from various skin-related issues.

Sunscreen Application and Safety:

Consistent use of sunscreen has demonstrated effectiveness in minimizing the likelihood of skin cancer, particularly the most severe type, melanoma. Sunscreen constitutes one of the five crucial sun protection practices known as slip, slop, slap, seek, and slide. According to Cancer Council guidelines, it is advisable to opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30, coupled with water-resistant properties.

This informational document offers guidance on selecting an appropriate sunscreen, ensuring proper application, addressing sunscreen safety concerns, and providing insights into the use of sunscreen on infants.

Understanding Skin Cancer:

Skin cancer results from the damage to skin cells, primarily due to overexposure to UV radiation. The most common types are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and the more dangerous melanoma. However, the positive note is that 90% of detected and treated melanomas in their early stages are curable.

The Importance of Professional Skin Checks:

While self-monitoring is crucial, professional skin checks are equally imperative. Healthcare professionals utilise tools and techniques that go beyond what the naked eye can discern. Experts recommend regular professional checks, with annual appointments being a prudent approach.

Where to Get Your Skin Checked:

Several avenues are available for professional skin checks, including your general practitioner (GP), skin cancer clinics operated by GPs, and dermatologists for higher-risk cases or a second opinion. Regular check-ups, combined with self-monitoring, create a comprehensive strategy for skin health.

At-Home Skin Checks:

Between professional appointments, it is vital to keep an eye on your skin at home. Using the ABCDE guide (Asymmetry, Border, Colour, Diameter, Evolving), individuals can monitor existing spots for any changes. Any new spot or alteration in size, shape, color, itching, or bleeding should prompt an additional professional skin check.

Protecting Your Skin:

Prevention is as crucial as detection. Wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen, covering up with protective clothing, and seeking shade when the UV index is 3 or above are essential measures to protect your skin from UV damage.

Private Health Cover for Skin Checks:

Contrary to common misconceptions, private health insurance can play a crucial role in supporting skin health. Many policies in Australia offer coverage for skin cancer screenings, including consultations with dermatologists and diagnostic procedures. This coverage helps alleviate out-of-pocket expenses for preventive skin checks.

Access to Specialist Care:

Private health cover provides access to a network of specialists, including dermatologists specialising in skin health. Timely consultations with these specialists are instrumental in ensuring thorough skin examinations and receiving expert advice on preventive measures.

Financial Assistance for Skin Cancer Treatment:

In the unfortunate event of a skin cancer diagnosis, private health cover can offer financial assistance for various treatments, surgeries, and follow-up care. This support eases the financial burden on individuals and families during a challenging time.

Medicare Limitations:

It’s essential to note that Medicare in Australia does not provide rebates for mole mapping, and the rebates for skin checks may not cover the full cost of comprehensive skin examinations. Additionally, most major private health insurers in the country do not offer rebates for skin checks or mole mapping.

Prioritising skin health through regular checks is wise, in our climate. Private health cover not only supports individuals in maintaining their skin health but also provides a safety net in case of skin cancer diagnoses. When considering private health policies, a careful evaluation of their coverage for skin checks, dermatologist consultations, and related treatments is essential. By making informed choices, you can actively contribute to your overall well-being and protect yourself from the sun’s harsh realities. Remember, your skin is your body’s first line of defense – give it the care and attention it deserves.

If you’re considering private health cover, talk to us today to compare plans that best suit your needs. Call us on 1300 861 413 or email  

Your skin’s well-being is our priority!

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Colonoscopy and health cover, how does it work?

Planning a colonoscopy and concerned about whether your private health insurance will cover the procedure? In this blog, we’ll explore information around colonoscopies, the reasons why they are needed, and how private health insurance plans can be beneficial in managing the costs effectively. We’ll also provide all the information around the waiting periods associated with private health cover for colonoscopies.

Understanding Colonoscopies:

A colonoscopy is a medical procedure where a doctor examines the large intestine using a colonoscope, a flexible tube with a light and video chip. This procedure serves various purposes, including screening for conditions without symptoms, diagnosing issues related to blood loss or changes in bowel habits, investigating abnormalities from other tests, and providing therapeutic measures like removing polyps. Given its importance in preventive healthcare, it’s essential to understand how private health insurance plans can assist in covering the costs of colonoscopies.

Tips to Reduce Colonoscopy Costs:

No-Gap Schemes:

Explore private health funds that offer no-gap payments for hospital and specialist fees at specific hospital locations. This can significantly reduce out-of-pocket expenses.

Contact Your Private Health Fund:

Before making a claim, contact your health fund to get a list of doctors and specialists aligned with their gap cover agreements. This step can help you minimise gaps or potentially eliminate costs associated with various healthcare providers.

Shop Around for the Best Policy:

Prices for private health insurance plans vary from one provider to another. By researching and comparing policies, you can find the best private health coverage that suits your needs. Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from experts in the field.

Estimating Costs for Private Health Patients:

Go to the Government website Medical Cost Finder for an estimate of typical costs for private health patients. Understanding these costs will be helpful, before making an informed decision and whether your private health insurance covers the colonoscopy procedure. 

Source: Medical Cost Finder 

Public vs. Private System:

For public patients, Medicare will cover the entire cost of a colonoscopy but be aware the waiting times can be considerable. Whereas private health insurance provides an alternative with shorter waiting times and additional benefits. However, it’s also important to be aware of waiting periods associated with your private health cover. Both could be vastly different.

Private Health Insurance Coverage for Colonoscopies:

Private health insurance plans categorise coverage into tiers (Basic, Bronze, Silver, and Gold). Colonoscopies fall under the treatment category ‘gastrointestinal endoscopy,’ starting from the Bronze tier. Private health insurance typically encompasses a wide range of expenses, including fees for services by a proctologist and anesthetist, as well as the expenses associated with the use of the operating theatre and hospital stay. It also takes care of consumables, in-patient consultations, and any prescribed medications, as long as you’ve already served the necessary waiting periods.

Waiting Periods for Colonoscopy Claims:

Most private health insurance policies require a two-month waiting period, or 12 months if deemed pre-existing, for a colonoscopy treatment. Also switching private health funds while maintaining the same cover generally doesn’t require re-serving waiting periods. However, switching policies or funds before completing a waiting period may mean picking up where you left off.

Being well-informed about your private health insurance options for colonoscopies is crucial for managing costs and ensuring timely access to healthcare services. By simply understanding waiting periods, considering the tips provided here, estimating potential costs you can make an informed decision to find the best private health coverage for your needs. If you have any specific questions or need assistance, our team is here to help. Feel free to call us at 1300 861 413 or email us at

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What’s the average waiting time in the public system?

Our country boasts a world-class public health system, with some of the best doctors and specialists but the extensive wait times for treatments, particularly non-emergency surgeries, can be a significant drawback for many patients. 

To navigate these delays and ensure you receive the medical attention when you need it, many individuals turn to private health insurance. If you do not have or can afford private health insurance, Australia still has a very stable public hospital and health system that can be accessed. For some treatments there will be waiting times. By understanding the average waiting times in the public system and comparing private health insurance options, you can proactively address your healthcare needs and the timing around what’s most important.

Public hospitals will prioritise surgical procedures based on urgency. Although elective surgeries, recommended by doctors for non-emergency conditions like joint replacements, cataracts, or lump removals, often lead to patients being placed on waiting lists. The duration of these waits varies depending on factors such as the required treatment, specialist availability within the public system, and proximity to the hospital. In some cases, individuals may find themselves waiting nearly a year or more for the care they need.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare system cannot be ignored. In March 2020, elective surgeries were temporarily halted, resulting in a 9.2% reduction in admissions for such surgeries compared to 2019. Despite this, the number of people waiting for surgery increased by 2.1% in the preceding year.*

These wait times for specific treatments highlighted the challenges faced by those relying solely on the public healthcare system. Septoplasty, a surgery to correct a deviated nasal septum, had the longest wait time in 2021, reaching up to 315 days. Other treatments, like total knee replacement  and cataract extractions, also had significant wait times, causing pain and potential deterioration of health for those in need.#

The average wait time on public hospital waiting lists currently stands at 43 days, but this figure masks the reality for those awaiting common treatments that can extend to almost a year. Additionally, the average wait time doesn’t account for the time between seeing a general practitioner and consulting with a specialist, which can be months in itself. ^

Taking all of this into consideration private health insurance becomes a viable solution, allowing individuals to receive prompt and cost-effective treatment in private hospitals, where waiting lists are generally shorter.

While private health insurance covers formal admissions to private hospitals, emergency care in private hospital emergency departments may not be covered until a patient is formally admitted. It is crucial to be aware of these nuances and carefully consider your insurance options to ensure comprehensive coverage.

To make an informed decision about private health insurance, it is advisable to compare various plans. You can reach out to us today at 1300 861 413 or via email at to discuss and compare your private health cover options

Taking this step can empower you to proactively manage your healthcare and avoid the uncertainties of lengthy public hospital waiting lists.


Australian Institute of Health & Welfare

# AIHW – Elective Surgery

^ AIHW – Waiting times

Australia’s public health system is world-class, but wait times for public hospitals can be long and inconvenient. Finding private health insurance that works around the public system could help you avoid long waits for the treatments you need.

There are many benefits to Medicare but one of the major drawbacks is the long wait times for non-emergency surgery. This can often lead to prolonged periods of pain or discomfort while you wait to be treated.

This guide covers current average wait times for elective surgery and emergency care, what the longest wait times are for certain treatments, and how choosing the right private health insurance can help you avoid the back end of a long waiting list.

What are surgery waiting lists at public hospitals?

Australia’s public hospitals are busy, so all surgical procedures are prioritised in order of urgency.

If your doctor has recommended any procedure that isn’t an emergency, this is known as elective surgery and you’ll likely be placed on a waiting list.

Examples of elective surgery include joint replacements, cataracts, and removing a lump from your breast.

Wait times vary depending on the treatment your require, the availability of the specialist medical professionals, and the public hospital nearest to you. Some people will be waiting almost a year.

In March 2020, most elective surgeries were put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

That meant there were 9.2% fewer Australians being admitted for elective surgery in a public hospital than in 2019, despite the number of people waiting for surgery rising by 2.1% the year before**.

Which treatments have the longest waitlists?

Of the 25 most common surgeries in 2021 in Australia, the longest wait time was for septoplasty (surgery to fix a deviated nasal septum), with a wait time of up to 315 days.

Other treatments with significant wait times include:

  • Total knee replacement – up to 293 days
  • Myringoplasty/tympanoplasty (to repair a hole in the ear drum) – up to 259 days
  • Cataract extractions – up to 158 days

These treatments aren’t considered emergencies but they can still be painful and debilitating to live with. Your condition may also deteriorate the longer you have to wait.

This is why elective surgery waiting lists are a problem for many Australians without health insurance.

What is the average wait time on a public hospital waiting list?

Across all treatments in Australia, the average wait time on public hospital waiting lists is 43 days at the time of writing.

However, some of the most common treatments have wait times of almost a year.

The average wait time also doesn’t include time between seeing a GP and a specialist, which can often be months.

Can wait times be waived if you’re a public patient?

Sadly not. The only way your wait time can be waived as a public patient is if your condition worsens significantly and is considered an emergency.

Are there waiting lists for private patients in a public hospital?

Yes, but as your private insurance is covering you, and you are being treated by your own doctor or surgeon, you may not have to wait as long.

As public hospitals are usually busy, appropriate private insurance can allow you to be treated cost effectively at a private hospital instead.

Does private health insurance cover private emergency care?

Your insurance will only cover you when you’re formally admitted to a private hospital as an inpatient.

This means a doctor has determined that you need hospital care and you have been assigned a bed.

If you arrive at a private hospital emergency department and are not formally admitted to hospital, you are considered an outpatient.

Some health funds won’t cover you in this situation.Talk to us today to compare your private health cover on 1300 861 413 or email us at

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