Just married. Do we need couples’ private health cover?

Just got hitched? You might be wondering whether switching to a couples private health policy is right for you. Well, the good news is, there’s no hard and fast rule that says married couples have to switch to a joint private health insurance policy. Ultimately, the decision is up to you and your spouse, and it will depend on your specific situation.

One of the advantages of opting for a couples private health policy is that it can potentially lower the overall cost of your private health insurance premium compared to having two separate single policies. 

Here are some benefits of couples’ private health insurance to consider:

  1. Lower overall cost: Couples policies may come with lower premiums compared to two individual policies. More convenient, as you’ll only have one policy to pay, and managing just one account will definitely simplify things.
  2. Flexibility: Some private health insurers offer the flexibility to choose a policy with a combined annual limit. This allows each partner to select the extras services that suit their individual needs. For example, one partner could choose to spend more on optical while the other opts to spend more on dental care.
  3. Enhanced coverage for family planning: Couples private health policies tailored towards individuals in their 20s and 30s typically offer more comprehensive coverage for family planning needs such as fertility treatments and pregnancy services.

It’s important to remember that your private health cover needs may change over time due to various factors like getting married, a long-term relationship, starting a family, health conditions, or changes in your lifestyle or life stage. These factors can greatly influence your private health insurance requirements.

For example, if you’re at the stage of planning a family, comparing private health insurance options becomes really important. There are numerous options available when it comes to pregnancy and starting a family. It’s worth noting that pregnancy, birthing, and reproductive services like IVF typically fall under top-tier Gold hospital cover. Some private health insurers may also offer specific Silver Plus policies tailored for couples looking to start a family.

It’s important to keep in mind the waiting periods that come with obstetric services such as pregnancy, birthing, and IVF; they usually have 12-month waiting periods. So, if you want to take advantage of the benefits offered by top-tier cover, it’s essential to take out a policy well ahead of time before you start to try for a baby.

Does couples’ private health cover provide double access to extras treatments?

The answer is no. Usually, when it comes to an extras policy, claim limits still apply per person but some private health providers allow couples to combine their extras annual limits. It’s worth checking with your private health fund if they offer this option. 

Before deciding on a joint private health policy once married, it’s important to ask yourselves these five questions:

What kind of coverage do we need?

1. Even though you’re now married, it’s a good idea to consider your individual health needs and the level of coverage that suits you both best. Take a look at options such as Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Basic levels of hospital cover, ambulance cover, extras cover, or a combined hospital and extras policy. 

What are your partner’s requirements?

2. It’s essential to understand your partner’s health needs as well. Do their requirements align with yours, or would both of you benefit from different types of coverage?

Will your health needs change in the future?

3. Keep in mind that all hospital policies have waiting periods of up to 12 months, and some extras policies may have even longer waiting periods. Consider this if you anticipate changes in your or your partner’s health needs. 

Are either of you subject to LHC loading?

4. If either of you obtained a hospital policy after your 31st birthday and on or after July 1, you’ll need to pay the government’s LHC loading in addition to your hospital policy premiums. This loading fee increases by two percent for each year you didn’t have hospital cover. For a couples hospital policy, the applicable LHC loading will be averaged out between the two of you and added to your premiums. 

Are either of you eligible for the age-based discount?

5. The age-based discount offers premium discounts on certain hospital policies if you take out health insurance before turning 29. On a couples policy, the discount is averaged between both individuals. So, if you qualify for a 10% age-based discount on a singles policy but your partner doesn’t, a couples policy would receive a 5% discount, averaged between the two of you.

As you build a future together, making sure your private health cover aligns with your new life stage and individual needs will give you peace of mind. Find the policy that’s right for you and get the most out of your coverage today by comparing private health plans.

Call our friendly team today on 1300 861 413 or email hello@health.compare

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