Peace of mind for pregnancy cover with private health insurance

It’s a special time in many couples lives when they make the decision to start planning for a baby. Pregnancy brings a host of new and exciting feelings, taking care of your health is vital during this exciting time. In this month’s blog we’ll give you guidance on everything you need to know about planning for pregnancy and affordable health insurance options.

It all starts with making sure you have the right health insurance policy and adding a little pre-planning. This will give you the ability to choose your obstetrician and then find the hospital you would like to give birth to your little bundle of joy.

What to ask your Private Health fund?

What maternity and obstetric services will be covered in a private hospital on my policy?

With private health insurance you get to choose your hospital (agreement private or public) and your obstetrician to care for you and deliver your newborn. Delivery of your child can be either naturally or via caesarean section. Health insurance plans vary from provider to provider so it’s always a good idea to check the fine print.

What are the waiting periods for pregnancy and birth?

With all health insurance policies, the waiting period is 12-months. This is the time where you cannot claim any pregnancy-related expenses. So don’t forget once you start planning your pregnancy journey, update your policy straight away and by the time baby arrives you will be covered.  

My partner and I are not on the same policy, do we need to upgrade?

There will be a point in time when the policy needs to be upgraded. This can be completed in 1 of 2 ways. Upgrade to a single parent cover to include the new born or to a family level of cover. Depending on your situation this may be easily done over the phone with your private health insurance provider.

Will I be covered to claim on assisted reproductive services like IVF?

Health insurance policies that cover assisted reproductive services will require you to wait 12-month’s to use the service due to the waiting periods. Not all levels of cover will cover both pregnancy and birth and assisted reproductive services. Make sure you check the level of cover before deciding on it.

Healthcare professionals you may need during Pregnancy

Once deciding to have a baby, you may need to visit a few different healthcare professionals. This may be a combination of your doctor, a midwife, and an obstetrician. It depends on what care you require and where you want to give birth.

Your Doctor (GP)

Your GP (general practitioner) is trained in many different aspects of healthcare. You would normally see your doctor when you find out you are pregnant for initial blood tests to confirm the pregnancy.


Midwives are health professionals who work with you to provide support, care, and advice during your pregnancy. They often run the antenatal classes you and your partner can attend prior to the birth of your newborn.  They sometimes also check in on you after returning home from hospital.


Obstetricians are trained doctors that specialise in (medical care before, during and after childbirth). They can deliver babies naturally or via caesarean section. If you want to give birth at a certain hospital, check with your fund and obstetrician to ensure they work out of that hospital.


An anaesthetist (a doctor who provides pain relief during surgery) might be involved in your labour. They get involved if you need have an epidural or your baby is delivered via a caesarean. Compare private health insurance funds to see if you can claim fees for an anaesthetist.

Let’s look at your Health Policies Extras cover for Pregnancy


With the many changes to your body during pregnancy, you may also experience sore and tired muscles. Seeing a physio can help stretch out and treat any issues. Check the specific physio extras coverage on your private health insurance policy.

Remedial Massage

Relax with a remedial massage to help reduce fluid retention and muscle soreness in the later stages of pregnancy. It’s important to ensure your massage therapist is trained in pregnancy massage, especially if you are in your first trimester.

Gym & Fitness

If your health professional has recommended a gym or fitness program during your pregnancy and it’s deemed medically safe, you may be able to claim gym membership on your extras cover.

Visit your Dentist

Often during pregnancy, the gums are more susceptible to plaque and inflammation or bleeding.  This is due to hormonal changes, visit your dentist for a check-up during your pregnancy.

Taking care of your Mental Wellbeing

Pregnancy can bring mental and emotional changes along the way. It’s an overwhelming time for some and feeling anxious is common. Don’t go at it alone. Talking with a psychologist about how you’re feeling is paramount.

Diet & Nutrition

Now your baby will grow and flourish from the nutrients and food you put into your body. Speak to your midwife or a nutritionist about what to eat and when.

Some important things to keep in mind

Adding your newborn onto your level of cover is important. You want to make sure they are covered at the time of birth. This changes by fund. General rule of thumb is to always upgrade your cover a few months before the birth of your child. To be sure, always confirm directly with the fund.

If you’re looking to upgrade your policy jump on to our website and see for yourself which health fund is right for you. We have it all wrapped up into one, easy to navigate comparison portal to make it easy to compare private health insurance.

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To compare health insurance funds and work out which cover is best for you

Visit or speak to one of our friendly team members about your health insurance plans today Telephone 1300 861 413 or email us hello@healthmarketing

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