Finding the right level of cover

Navigating your way through the landscape of Private Health Insurance can be confusing and complex.

I’m still young enough, do I need cover for joint replacements? We think we’ve finished with pregnancy, should I take it off now or wait a little bit longer? I don’t know what extra services are, how do I know what I should or shouldn’t have?

These are all great questions.

I’ve never had health insurance; how do I even start?

By talking to us!

It’s a mine field – legislation, tax, age penalties? Do any of these apply to you and if so, why?

What does each level of hospital cover me for? Do I need extras? How do I use them?

These are all common questions and ones we talk about all the time.

I think it’s time for me to switch?

You’ve been thinking of switching for a while, what’s prompted this?

You’ve had a chat with friends at a BBQ? Your current health fund is increasing premiums? You’re at a very different point in my life and it’s time to upgrade my policy?

If you haven’t checked your health insurance in a number of years, it’s time to do it!

Comparing health insurance is not like comparing apples with apples. Every policy and every fund is different. You need to find the right level of cover for you.

So, what should I do?

Have a conversation with an expert.

Most people put comparing health insurance in to the ‘too hard basket.’ It’s something they know they need to do, but the investment at the time doesn’t feel important. Sound familiar?

Take 15 minutes with us to figure out how we can help. If you’re on the right level of cover, what have you lost other than 15 minutes?

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